vendredi 15 janvier 2021

Writing about cyber school & virtual school | Essay

A virtual school or cyber school identifies an organization that, through online methods, teaches courses entirely or primarily.
Digital learning proponents believe that virtual schools have benefits, including not having to attend and drive to face-to-face classes and integrating interactive media into the curriculum. Digital schools often offer a student the ability to remain in school because they will no longer be accepted by traditional brick and mortar schools. Owing to medical conditions, teen pregnancy, or for other reasons that the school system might consider distracting the school body, some reasons for this may be lengthy absences. A great equalizer is virtual schools. Online education offers all students the same chance to achieve their full potential, no matter what their social, economic, religious, racial, or physical or mental differences. Some virtual schools have online study groups in which learners chat online with each other. In these classes, students are able to meet using Elluminate, Wimba, or other means.
Unlike conventional methods of delivery of education, virtual school students often do not communicate directly with teachers, whereas at other times it is as frequent and merely takes on a different form as in traditional brick and mortar schools. Digital education is thus considered to be similar to a directed-learning program by many.
Since students do not communicate face-to-face with their teachers or peers, "lack of socialization" is frequently cited by critics as a drawback. Latest anecdotal data given by one virtual school from one live cyberschool suggests that it is not inherently missing, while socialization may be distinct. It is also suggested that students enrolled in virtual schools, similar to homeschooled children, be interested in social activities outside of classes. The additional difficulty of remaining focused when in the home setting is another perceived downside of distance learning and many students report that staying on track is the most challenging aspect of learning online.
For a variety of reasons, many students are drawn to online learning, especially the opportunity to escape the necessity to travel to a physical location, which may be difficult for some non-traditional learners. Critics claim that online services must adhere to widely accepted educational requirements for online education to be taken seriously. The adoption of the same standardized tests that brick and mortar schools expect of their students is one way that virtual schools show their effectiveness.

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