Lifelong learning is the process that affects your mind and body at any age,
through the active pursuit of knowledge and experience or through the
advancement of higher education and qualification levels in all sectors. The
pursuit of knowledge through lifelong learning – whether learning to play
music and dancing, speaking a foreign language, improving sports, or
rehabilitating your car – has great advantages for older adults: it keeps your
mind sharp, improves memory, and increases your confidence. It also gives you
a chance to learn a new ability that will boost your earnings. Lifelong
learning also gives people a cheap way to try something new and thereby saves
money by learning to "do it themselves." In addition, it gives people a new curiosity that they can share with friends and family. Last but not least
lifelong learning gives people a sense of success and self-confidence.
jeudi 7 janvier 2021
Lifelong learning | Bac essays | Writing Bac | anglais | English
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